Speech Recognition Engines

Sautrela Speech Recognition Framework
User: kmaclean
Date: 10/29/2007 8:28 pm
Views: 5260
Rating: 28
Sautrela is a Java based, highly modular and pluggable open source framework focused on speech recognition. The aim of Sautrela is to unify in a single framework almost all the tasks related to pattern recognition such as signal processing, model training and decoding.

--- (Edited on 10/29/2007 9:28 pm [GMT-0400] by kmaclean) ---

Re: Sautrela Speech Recognition Framework
User: DavidGelbart
Date: 11/7/2007 5:13 pm
Views: 2165
Rating: 29
Thanks, Ken.  I've added it to the free software ("freeware") listings at <a href="http://www.isca-students.org/resources">http://www.isca-students.org/resources</a>.

--- (Edited on 11/7/2007 5:13 pm [GMT-0600] by DavidGelbart) ---
