Speech Recognition Engines

Reading rawfile as switch
User: vishu
Date: 4/7/2009 6:37 am
Views: 6393
Rating: 7

Hi Kmaclean,

I am trying to call julius to recognise '.wav' file, but I dont want to enter the name of the file when it asks for. But instead it should accept the file name while I call the julius. i.e is there any option that i can directly give the '.wav' file name when I call julius (julius -input rawfile -demo -C julian.jconf) ?

2) Please provide more information on "-filelist filename" option. Give me some sample 'filename'. 


--- (Edited on 4/7/2009 8:12 am [GMT-0500] by vishu) ---

Re: Reading rawfile as switch
User: kmaclean
Date: 4/8/2009 11:59 am
Views: 180
Rating: 6


>. i.e is there any option that i can directly give the '.wav' file name when I call julius

use the Julius adintool with Julius running in server mode.

>Please provide more information on "-filelist filename" option. Give me some sample 'filename'. 

It should be one filename per line.

From the Julius (rev3.2) manual:

   Speech Input
       -input {rawfile|mfcfile|mic|adinnet|netaudio|stdin}
              Select speech data input source.  'rawfile'  is  waveform  file,
              and specified after startup from stdin).  'mic' means microphone
              device, and 'adinnet' means receiving waveform  data  via  tcpip
              network   from   an   adinnet   client.   'netaudio'   is   from
              DatLink/NetAudio input, and 'stdin' means data input from  stan-
              dard input.
              WAV  (no  compression)  and RAW (noheader, 16bit, BigEndian) are
              supported for waveform file input.  Other  format  can  be  sup-
              ported  using  external library.  To see what format is actually
              supported, see the help message using option "-help".  For stdin
              input, only WAV and RAW is supported.
              (default: mfcfile)

       -filelist file
              (With  -input  rawfile|mfcfile) perform recognition on all files
              listed in the file.


--- (Edited on 4/8/2009 12:59 pm [GMT-0400] by kmaclean) ---

Re: Reading rawfile as switch
User: vishu
Date: 4/9/2009 2:31 am
Views: 109
Rating: 7

Thanks Ken,

Problem regarding -filelist is solved. Few more clarifications are required.

1)is adintool uses jconf file?

2)julius is supporting PCM format. But my audio file is in "A-law" format. How can I get rid-off this?

3)How can I use ".raw" in place of ".wav" format in the recognition process. 'HCopy' is failed because of this format while preparing the aucostic model, telling that "Input file is not in RIFF format".

Thank You a lot.


--- (Edited on 4/9/2009 5:19 am [GMT-0500] by vishu) ---

Re: Reading rawfile as switch
User: kmaclean
Date: 4/9/2009 8:41 am
Views: 2860
Rating: 6

Hi vishu,

>1)is adintool uses jconf file?

I don't think so... only Julius does - check the adintool manual...

>2)julius is supporting PCM format. But my audio file is in "A-law" format.

>How can I get rid-off this?

use SoX to convert it from A-law to pcm

>3)How can I use ".raw" in place of ".wav" format in the recognition

>process. 'HCopy' is failed because of this format while preparing the

>aucostic model, telling that "Input file is not in RIFF format".

in your config file - check the HTK book - section 5.11 (Waveform File Formats).  I think you need to change the HCopy config to have:


If that does not work, just convert your audio from RAW to WAV using sox.


--- (Edited on 4/9/2009 9:41 am [GMT-0400] by kmaclean) ---
