Speech Recognition Engines

pocketsphinx_continuos not found
User: doubled
Date: 9/20/2009 3:04 pm
Views: 5798
Rating: 10


i  have successfully installed pocketsphinx and sphinbase,but now when i run pocket_tidigits so that i can say numbers i get the following error

./pocketsphinx_tidigits: 7:  /usr/local/bin/pocketsphinx_continuos: not found

pocketsphinx_continuos exists in there folder.

any one know what is it i am doing wrong

thank you

double d

--- (Edited on 9/20/2009 3:04 pm [GMT-0500] by doubled) ---

Re: pocketsphinx_continuos not found
User: kmaclean
Date: 9/21/2009 2:37 pm
Views: 2452
Rating: 8

Hi doubled,


should it be: pocketsphinx_continuous ?


--- (Edited on 9/21/2009 3:37 pm [GMT-0400] by kmaclean) ---
