Speech Recognition Engines

Multiple streams with User defined features
User: gbernardi
Date: 5/25/2011 6:26 am
Views: 5628
Rating: 10

Hi everybody,

I'm using HTK with features extracted from an external model. So far I have been only using a single streams, since I had almost uncorrelated features (and it was working fine).

Anyway, now I'd like to extend my work by inserting features extracted from different channels that are likely to be correlated.

Thus, I wanted to ask if anybody knows if I can use multiple streams (to treat the correlated features) with the features I am providing (which are non-HTK features or user defined features). 

And if that's possible, is there something to be aware of in the different commands I use?

I mean, I basically use the following HTK commands in my script:





I would expect that the only modifications that I have to introduce in the scripts that were working for the 'single stream' case are only in the prototypes definition of the HMMs (since I have to define number of streams, streams' features number and streams' weights) and nothing else.

Or do you think there are other parameter of the aforementioned commands I should edit?


Thank you in advance. 

Kind regards,


--- (Edited on 5/25/2011 6:26 am [GMT-0500] by gbernardi) ---

Re: Multiple streams with User defined features
User: kmaclean
Date: 6/7/2011 11:30 am
Views: 2198
Rating: 9

> anybody knows if I can use multiple streams

Sorry, this way is beyond my limited HTK knowledge - best to ask on the HTK mailing list

--- (Edited on 6/7/2011 12:30 pm [GMT-0400] by kmaclean) ---
