Speech Recognition Engines

Looking for software for Speech to voice conversion
User: Satish
Date: 9/27/2015 4:22 am
Views: 2880
Rating: 0


I am looking for software for Speech to voice conversion.

 Requirement is to speak in Marathi Language (it is one of the Indian Language) and it need to be converted into Marathi text on the computer screen running on windows platform.

 Will you be able to work on this project?

If you need any information about Marathi Language then please visit at - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marathi_language

If you need any other clarification then please feel free to write to me at [email protected]

Once you are ready to accept this project then we can talk about its execution steps and about your payment structure.

Please let me know your thoughts.

Warm regards

Thank you

Satish M

--- (Edited on 9/27/2015 4:22 am [GMT-0500] by Visitor) ---
