Speech Recognition Engines

Julius 4.3.1 decoder high WER
User: abdosalem
Date: 1/3/2016 5:32 am
Views: 6639
Rating: 0


I installed Julius 4.3.1 on windows/Cygwin and used my own arabic acoustic model HTK 3.4, corpus 8.5 hours, ngram LM, tied.list. The decoder is working well, however, the results is far away from HTK HDecode. I have HDecode HTK WER = 30% while in julius it is 90% which i think there is something wrong in julius decoder configuration.

The configurations are:

-input mfcfile

-filelist filelist/test.scp

-nlr test.lm

-v test.dic

-h hmmsdef.mmf            # acoustic HMM (ascii or Julius binary)
-hlist tied.list        # HMMList to map logical phone to physical

-b 10000

-s 20000             # hypotheses stack size on 2nd pass (#hypo)
-m 10000            # hypotheses overflow threshold (#hypo)
-n 100                # num of sentences to find

I also applied the LM scale factore (10) that i'm using in HTK as follows:

-imp 10.0 0.0

If you kindly help tweaking the decoder as i think it should give closed WER to HTK.

Appreciate your response.


--- (Edited on 1/3/2016 5:32 am [GMT-0600] by abdosalem) ---

Re: Julius 4.3.1 decoder high WER
User: TonyR
Date: 1/3/2016 6:06 am
Views: 85
Rating: 0

Julius has always made search errors and has never achieved the accuracy of HDecode.  However, as you say, the difference shouldn't be that great.  Julius has moved to github and is supported again - https://github.com/julius-speech/julius - I suggest you ask there.



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--- (Edited on 3-January-2016 12:06 pm [GMT+0000] by TonyR) ---

Re: Julius 4.3.1 decoder high WER
User: Abdo
Date: 1/3/2016 8:51 am
Views: 3084
Rating: 0

Thank you for your high response and advice

--- (Edited on 1/3/2016 8:51 am [GMT-0600] by Visitor) ---
