Speech Recognition Engines

Ignored some word in SCLITE scoring.
User: Noah
Date: 5/27/2014 3:14 am
Views: 2629
Rating: 5

Dear all,

Now I do project about ASR and I choose "SCLITE" as tool for generate evaluate result.

In my training set and  evaluate result, some sentences have word that not important/unneccesry of system like "um", "ur" are appeared in I do not want them but "SCLITE" still takes these words to calculate in whole system's accuracy.

For example.

"Umm I agree with him" --> "I agree with him"

Has any option that we can set to "SCLITE" command to skip these words. Or I should cleanup by myself before sent to "SCLITE" to calculate result??





--- (Edited on 5/27/2014 3:14 am [GMT-0500] by Noah) ---
