Speech Recognition Engines

if the score of recognation can be negatif??
User: imene
Date: 1/14/2009 1:50 pm
Views: 4796
Rating: 5


i want to asked you about the probability of recognation

i use User parameter(auxiliary parameter: pitch, formants, energy) as prameter acoustique ..and when i run my process of recongnition i have positives scors of recognition

like this:

0 4600000 deux2 240.497971
0 5200000 cinq5 -384.486908
0 4800000 quatre4 357.861755
0 4600000 cinq5 70.729980


i think viterbi return the logarithme of probability and his values coudn't have a positive value because the probabilité is in the range [0,1]

and: log(a)<0 if 0<a<1



when i use the MFCC parameter all score of recognation is negatif


--- (Edited on 1/14/2009 1:50 pm [GMT-0600] by imene) ---

Re: if the score of recognation can be negatif??
User: kmaclean
Date: 1/14/2009 2:08 pm
Views: 1779
Rating: 6

Hi imene,

>when i run my process of recongnition i have positives scors of recognition

see this post: HVite log


--- (Edited on 1/14/2009 3:08 pm [GMT-0500] by kmaclean) ---
