Speech Recognition Engines

HTK error +2126
User: Andreu
Date: 4/27/2007 4:59 am
Views: 6030
Rating: 30
Hello. I am using the HTK 3 and I'm having an error I have not been able to solve: the error code is +2126, what, in htkbook is defined as:

+2126 No path through segment

The Viterbi segmentation failed to find a path through model with this data. Check that

data is not corrupt and that a valid path exists through the model.

What does "corrupt" mean? Can anybody help me? I need the results of that "corrupt" files....

Thanks in advance

--- (Edited on 4/27/2007 4:59 am [GMT-0500] by Visitor) ---

Re: HTK error +2126
User: Tony Robinson
Date: 4/27/2007 5:42 am
Views: 2060
Rating: 19

I would suggest searching the HTK-users mailing list and if you can't find the answer then posting to that mailing list.   I think I've seen this question asked and answered there (although I have to admit that a quick look in the archives didn't find it).

To answer your question, corrupt means that your data is not as you intended it to be.   Byteswapping your audio is a common form of corruption.   More specifically,  your data should fit your models, else if all the observation liklihoods are extreme then no path will be found.

However, the most common cause of this error is not having enough observations for your HMM topology.   Say you have a three state, left to right HMM and only two observations, then clearly there is no way to find a match.

I hope that fixes your problem, if not, there are many helpful people on HTK-users.




Dr Tony Robinson, CEO Cantab Research Ltd
Phone:  +44 845 009 7530, Fax: +44 845 009 7532

--- (Edited on 27-April-2007 11:42 am [GMT+0100] by Tony Robinson) ---
