Speech Recognition Engines

How to take advantage of the multiple cpus in PC (windows) to train the acoustic model in Sphinx
User: zxinhui
Date: 11/25/2009 5:40 pm
Views: 6026
Rating: 5

Dear all,

   Is there any way to take advantage of the multiple cpus in pc to train the acoustic model in Sphinx 3?   I was able to do it by using Cygwin .  How about without using cygwin ?

Thanks a lot,


--- (Edited on 11/25/2009 5:40 pm [GMT-0600] by zxinhui) ---

Re: How to take advantage of the multiple cpus in PC (windows) to train the acoustic model in Sphinx
User: nsh
Date: 11/26/2009 6:38 am
Views: 65
Rating: 5

suprisingly its the same as before. queue type should be posix and number of part should be the same as number of cpus.

--- (Edited on 11/26/2009 15:38 [GMT+0300] by nsh) ---

Re: How to take advantage of the multiple cpus in PC (windows) to train the acoustic model in Sphinx
User: zxinhui
Date: 11/26/2009 10:59 am
Views: 72
Rating: 5

Thanks for your reply !

I did as what you said before posting this message. It worked in Cygwin, but not in Windows (without Cygwin).

When I run it outside of Cygwin, I got the followng error messages:


POSIX::setsid not implemented on this architecture at Z:\Utilities\Sphinx\tutorial\rm1\scripts_pl\lib/Queue/POSIX.pm line 66.
POSIX::setsid not implemented on this architecture at Z:\Utilities\Sphinx\tutorial\rm1\scripts_pl\lib/Queue/POSIX.pm line 66.
POSIX::setsid not implemented on this architecture at Z:\Utilities\Sphinx\tutorial\rm1\scripts_pl\lib/Queue/POSIX.pm line 66.
POSIX::setsid not implemented on this architecture at Z:\Utilities\Sphinx\tutorial\rm1\scripts_pl\lib/Queue/POSIX.pm line 66.
POSIX::setsid not implemented on this architecture at Z:\Utilities\Sphinx\tutorial\rm1\scripts_pl\lib/Queue/POSIX.pm line 66.



--- (Edited on 11/26/2009 10:59 am [GMT-0600] by zxinhui) ---

Re: How to take advantage of the multiple cpus in PC (windows) to train the acoustic model in Sphinx
User: nsh
Date: 11/26/2009 4:11 pm
Views: 2242
Rating: 4

Well, you need to modify the script to spawn the processes on windows. Google is your friend here. See this for example:


--- (Edited on 11/27/2009 01:11 [GMT+0300] by nsh) ---
