Speech Recognition Engines

How to convert other file to HTK File
User: natasya
Date: 3/16/2018 7:22 am
Views: 7103
Rating: 0

Hello, can anyone help me?

I want to build speech to text system, where for the extraction feature i'm using java program but for acoustic modeling and other step i'm going to use HTK, but now i got problem to convert the mfcc result where i got from my java code to HTK file. Anyone can help me to explain what should i do?


i already try to put HTK header. but it's not work.

i already made the file be binary. but it's not work.

i already change the file be .mfc. but it's not work.

in HList i got error:

ERROR [+1113]  IsWave: cannot read HTK Header in File binary.mfc

FATAL ERROR - Terminating program HList

i'm really new with HTK.


--- (Edited on 3/16/2018 7:22 am [GMT-0500] by ) ---

Re: How to convert other file to HTK File
User: nsh
Date: 3/16/2018 7:36 am
Views: 100
Rating: 2

You have to write proper java code to create htk header. You can find an example here:


Overall, java is a bad idea, it is better to use native htk tools.


--- (Edited on 3/16/2018 15:36 [GMT+0300] by nsh) ---

Re: How to convert other file to HTK File
User: natasya
Date: 3/16/2018 11:04 pm
Views: 2396
Rating: 0

thank you, i did with htk native tools but i want try to add some process and compare the result.

--- (Edited on 3/16/2018 11:04 pm [GMT-0500] by ) ---
