Speech Recognition Engines

final state not reached
User: vj61614
Date: 1/12/2009 4:05 am
Views: 4975
Rating: 6

I'm facing a problem when i'm running baum welch algorithm in sphinx train as final state not reached.

I'm not able to understand why that error comes .can annyone suggest me to how to resolve the problem?

--- (Edited on 1/12/2009 4:05 am [GMT-0600] by vj61614) ---

Re: final state not reached
User: kmaclean
Date: 1/12/2009 10:29 am
Views: 51
Rating: 5

Hi vj61614,

Google is your friend...

I used "sphinx train as final state not reached" as a search term in Google and this VoxForge post came up:

Doubt about sphinx3 installation



--- (Edited on 1/12/2009 11:29 am [GMT-0500] by kmaclean) ---

Re: final state not reached
User: vj61614
Date: 1/12/2009 9:58 pm
Views: 43
Rating: 4

Hi kmaclean,

It is running well for some wave files ,but it is not working for other samples.If sphinx was not installed properly why it is working well ofr other wave files.No doubt about sphinx installation and i thinh=k there could be some other reason


--- (Edited on 1/12/2009 9:58 pm [GMT-0600] by vj61614) ---

Re: final state not reached
User: kmaclean
Date: 1/13/2009 9:10 am
Views: 1786
Rating: 5

Hi vj61614,

>It is running well for some wave files ,but it is not working for other samples.

Aahh... then it likely you have problems with your audio data...

Is there any noise on the recordings you are having trouble with?  Are the transcriptions accurate?

I don't know much about Sphinx, but with HTK/Julius, when you train an acoustic model, i generates a log that gives you a rating for each utterance you train with - have you gone through your logs to see if there is anything out of the ordinary?


--- (Edited on 1/13/2009 10:10 am [GMT-0500] by kmaclean) ---
