Speech Recognition Engines

ERROR: "cmd_ln.c", line 868: Unknown argument: -debug
User: Agentes
Date: 9/25/2011 9:25 pm
Views: 10273
Rating: 5

 Before post it, i've made a search, and i found similars errors but no good reply.

Just like royerfa at topic "Sphinx again and again"

I try to use the tuto for Sphinx 3 using the WIKI, 

And i got stuck on that error: ERROR: "cmd_ln.c", line 868: Unknown argument: -debug

Actually has another error too: ERROR: "wid.c", line 282: <unk> is not a word in dictionary and it is not a class tag. but i don't know if it is important.


If anyone could help me, i will thank a lot.

Here my log:

wedso@wedso-desktop:~/sphinx3/lm_giga_5k_nvp_3gram$ sphinx3_livepretend ctlfile /home/wedso/sphinx3 cfgfile
INFO: info.c(65): Host: 'wedso-desktop'
INFO: info.c(66): Directory: '/home/wedso/sphinx3/lm_giga_5k_nvp_3gram'
INFO: info.c(70): sphinx3_livepretend Compiled on: Aug 24 2009, AT: 14:34:55

INFO: cmd_ln.c(506): Parsing command line:
    -samprate 16000 \
    -hmm /home/wedso/sphinx3/sphinx3/model/hmm/hub4_cd_continuous_8gau_1s_c_d_dd \
    -dict /home/wedso/sphinx3/lm_giga_5k_nvp_3gram/lm_giga_5k_nvp.sphinx.dic \
    -fdict /home/wedso/sphinx3/lm_giga_5k_nvp_3gram/lm_giga_5k_nvp.sphinx.filler \
    -lm /home/wedso/sphinx3/lm_giga_5k_nvp_3gram/lm_giga_5k_nvp_3gram.arpa.DMP

Current configuration:
[NAME]            [DEFLT]        [VALUE]
-agc            none        none
-agcthresh        2.0        2.000000e+00
-alpha            0.97        9.700000e-01
-backtrace        yes        yes
-beam            1.0e-55        1.000000e-55
-bestpath        no        no
-bestpathlw                0.000000e+00
-bghist            no        no
-bptblsize        32768        32768
-cb2mllr        .1cls.        .1cls.
-cep2spec        no        no
-ceplen            13        13
-ci_pbeam        1e-80        1.000000e-80
-cmn            current        current
-cmninit        8.0        8.0
-cond_ds        no        no
-ctlcount        1000000000    1000000000
-ctloffset        0        0
-dagfudge        2        2
-dict                    /home/wedso/sphinx3/lm_giga_5k_nvp_3gram/lm_giga_5k_nvp.sphinx.dic
-dist_ds        no        no
-dither            no        no
-doublebw        no        no
-ds            1        1
-epl            3        3
-fdict                    /home/wedso/sphinx3/lm_giga_5k_nvp_3gram/lm_giga_5k_nvp.sphinx.filler
-feat            1s_c_d_dd    1s_c_d_dd
-fillprob        0.1        1.000000e-01
-frate            100        100
-fsgusealtpron        yes        yes
-fsgusefiller        yes        yes
-gs4gs            yes        yes
-hmm                    /home/wedso/sphinx3/sphinx3/model/hmm/hub4_cd_continuous_8gau_1s_c_d_dd
-hmmdump        no        no
-hmmdumpef        200000000    200000000
-hmmdumpsf        200000000    200000000
-hmmhistbinsize        5000        5000
-hypsegscore_unscale    yes        yes
-inlatwin        50        50
-input_endian        little        little
-kdmaxbbi        -1        -1
-kdmaxdepth        0        0
-latcompress        yes        yes
-latext            lat.gz        lat.gz
-ldadim            0        0
-lextreedump        0        0
-lifter            0        0
-lm                    /home/wedso/sphinx3/lm_giga_5k_nvp_3gram/lm_giga_5k_nvp_3gram.arpa.DMP
-log3table        yes        yes
-logbase        1.0003        1.000300e+00
-logspec        no        no
-lowerf            133.33334    1.333333e+02
-lts_mismatch        no        no
-lw            9.5        9.500000e+00
-machine_endian        little        little
-maxcdsenpf        100000        100000
-maxedge        2000000        2000000
-maxhistpf        100        100
-maxhmmpf        20000        20000
-maxhyplen        1000        1000
-maxlmop        100000000    100000000
-maxlpf            40000        40000
-maxppath        1000000        1000000
-maxwpf            20        20
-min_endfr        3        3
-mixwfloor        0.0000001    1.000000e-07
-mode            fwdtree        fwdtree
-nbest            200        200
-nbestext        nbest.gz    nbest.gz
-ncep            13        13
-nfft            512        512
-nfilt            40        40
-Nlextree        3        3
-Nstalextree        25        25
-op_mode        -1        -1
-outlatfmt        s3        s3
-pbeam            1.0e-50        1.000000e-50
-pheurtype        0        0
-phonepen        1.0        1.000000e+00
-phypdump        yes        yes
-pl_beam        1.0e-80        1.000000e-80
-pl_window        1        1
-ppathdebug        no        no
-ptranskip        0        0
-rawext            .raw        .raw
-remove_dc        no        no
-round_filters        yes        yes
-samprate        16000        1.600000e+04
-seed            -1        -1
-senmgau        .cont.        .cont.
-silprob        0.1        1.000000e-01
-smoothspec        no        no
-spec2cep        no        no
-subvqbeam        3.0e-3        3.000000e-03
-svq4svq        no        no
-tighten_factor        0.5        5.000000e-01
-tmatfloor        0.0001        1.000000e-04
-topn            4        4
-topn_beam        0        0
-transform        legacy        legacy
-treeugprob        yes        yes
-unit_area        yes        yes
-upperf            6855.4976    6.855498e+03
-uw            0.7        7.000000e-01
-varfloor        0.0001        1.000000e-04
-varnorm        no        no
-verbose        no        no
-vqeval            3        3
-warp_type        inverse_linear    inverse_linear
-wbeam            1.0e-35        1.000000e-35
-wend_beam        1.0e-80        1.000000e-80
-wip            0.7        7.000000e-01
-wlen            0.025625    2.562500e-02
-worddumpef        200000000    200000000
-worddumpsf        200000000    200000000

INFO: kbcore.c(439): Begin Initialization of Core Models:
INFO: cmd_ln.c(506): Parsing command line:
    -lowerf 133.3334 \
    -upperf 6855.4976 \
    -nfilt 40 \
    -ncep 13 \
    -transform legacy \
    -round_filters yes \
    -unit_area yes \
    -remove_dc no \
    -feat 1s_c_d_dd

Current configuration:
[NAME]        [DEFLT]        [VALUE]
-agc        none        none
-agcthresh    2.0        2.000000e+00
-alpha        0.97        9.700000e-01
-cep2spec    no        no
-ceplen        13        13
-cmn        current        current
-cmninit    8.0        8.0
-dither        no        no
-doublebw    no        no
-feat        1s_c_d_dd    1s_c_d_dd
-frate        100        100
-input_endian    little        little
-ldadim        0        0
-lifter        0        0
-logspec    no        no
-lowerf        133.33334    1.333334e+02
-ncep        13        13
-nfft        512        512
-nfilt        40        40
-remove_dc    no        no
-round_filters    yes        yes
-samprate    16000        1.600000e+04
-seed        -1        -1
-smoothspec    no        no
-spec2cep    no        no
-transform    legacy        legacy
-unit_area    yes        yes
-upperf        6855.4976    6.855498e+03
-varnorm    no        no
-verbose    no        no
-warp_type    inverse_linear    inverse_linear
-wlen        0.025625    2.562500e-02

INFO:    Initialization of the log add table
INFO:    Log-Add table size = 29356 x 2 >> 0
INFO: feat.c(849): Initializing feature stream to type: '1s_c_d_dd', ceplen=13, CMN='current', VARNORM='no', AGC='none'
INFO: cmn.c(142): mean[0]= 12.00, mean[1..12]= 0.0
INFO: kbcore.c(486): .cont.
INFO:    Initialization of feat_t, report:
INFO:    Feature type         = 1s_c_d_dd
INFO:    Cepstral size        = 13
INFO:    Number of streams    = 1
INFO:    Vector size of stream[0]: 39
INFO:    Number of subvectors = 0
INFO:    Whether CMN is used  = 1
INFO:    Whether AGC is used  = 0
INFO:    Whether variance is normalized = 0
INFO:    Reading HMM in Sphinx 3 Model format
INFO:    Model Definition File: /home/wedso/sphinx3/sphinx3/model/hmm/hub4_cd_continuous_8gau_1s_c_d_dd/mdef
INFO:    Mean File: /home/wedso/sphinx3/sphinx3/model/hmm/hub4_cd_continuous_8gau_1s_c_d_dd/means
INFO:    Variance File: /home/wedso/sphinx3/sphinx3/model/hmm/hub4_cd_continuous_8gau_1s_c_d_dd/variances
INFO:    Mixture Weight File: /home/wedso/sphinx3/sphinx3/model/hmm/hub4_cd_continuous_8gau_1s_c_d_dd/mixture_weights
INFO:    Transition Matrices File: /home/wedso/sphinx3/sphinx3/model/hmm/hub4_cd_continuous_8gau_1s_c_d_dd/transition_matrices
INFO: mdef.c(682): Reading model definition: /home/wedso/sphinx3/sphinx3/model/hmm/hub4_cd_continuous_8gau_1s_c_d_dd/mdef
INFO:    Initialization of mdef_t, report:
INFO:    48 CI-phone, 133500 CD-phone, 3 emitstate/phone, 144 CI-sen, 6144 Sen, 32639 Sen-Seq
INFO: kbcore.c(298): Using optimized GMM computation for Continuous HMM, -topn will be ignored
INFO: cont_mgau.c(163): Reading mixture gaussian file '/home/wedso/sphinx3/sphinx3/model/hmm/hub4_cd_continuous_8gau_1s_c_d_dd/means'
INFO: cont_mgau.c(422): 6144 mixture Gaussians, 8 components, 1 streams, veclen 39
INFO: cont_mgau.c(163): Reading mixture gaussian file '/home/wedso/sphinx3/sphinx3/model/hmm/hub4_cd_continuous_8gau_1s_c_d_dd/variances'
INFO: cont_mgau.c(422): 6144 mixture Gaussians, 8 components, 1 streams, veclen 39
INFO: cont_mgau.c(523): Reading mixture weights file '/home/wedso/sphinx3/sphinx3/model/hmm/hub4_cd_continuous_8gau_1s_c_d_dd/mixture_weights'
ERROR: "cont_mgau.c", line 666: Weight normalization failed for 3 senones
INFO: cont_mgau.c(678): Read 6144 x 8 mixture weights
INFO: cont_mgau.c(706): Removing uninitialized Gaussian densities
 6 7 8
WARNING: "cont_mgau.c", line 780: 24 densities removed (3 mixtures removed entirely)
INFO: cont_mgau.c(796): Applying variance floor
INFO: cont_mgau.c(814): 0 variance values floored
INFO: cont_mgau.c(862): Precomputing Mahalanobis distance invariants
INFO: tmat.c(169): Reading HMM transition probability matrices: /home/wedso/sphinx3/sphinx3/model/hmm/hub4_cd_continuous_8gau_1s_c_d_dd/transition_matrices
WARNING: "tmat.c", line 242: Normalization failed for tmat 2 from state 0
WARNING: "tmat.c", line 242: Normalization failed for tmat 2 from state 1
WARNING: "tmat.c", line 242: Normalization failed for tmat 2 from state 2
INFO:    Initialization of tmat_t, report:
INFO:    Read 48 transition matrices of size 3x4
INFO: dict.c(383): Reading main dictionary: /home/wedso/sphinx3/lm_giga_5k_nvp_3gram/lm_giga_5k_nvp.sphinx.dic
INFO: dict.c(386): 5900 words read
INFO: dict.c(391): Reading filler dictionary: /home/wedso/sphinx3/lm_giga_5k_nvp_3gram/lm_giga_5k_nvp.sphinx.filler
INFO: dict.c(394): 3 words read
INFO: dict.c(409): Adding filler word: ++BREATH++
INFO: dict.c(417): Adding filler phone: +BREATH+
INFO: dict.c(409): Adding filler word: ++COUGH++
INFO: dict.c(417): Adding filler phone: +COUGH+
INFO: dict.c(409): Adding filler word: ++GARBAGE++
INFO: dict.c(417): Adding filler phone: +GARBAGE+
INFO: dict.c(409): Adding filler word: ++NOISE++
INFO: dict.c(417): Adding filler phone: +NOISE+
INFO: dict.c(409): Adding filler word: ++SMACK++
INFO: dict.c(417): Adding filler phone: +SMACK+
INFO: dict.c(409): Adding filler word: ++UH++
INFO: dict.c(417): Adding filler phone: +UH+
INFO: dict.c(409): Adding filler word: ++UHUM++
INFO: dict.c(417): Adding filler phone: +UHUM+
INFO: dict.c(409): Adding filler word: ++UM++
INFO: dict.c(417): Adding filler phone: +UM+
INFO: dict.c(423): Added 16 fillers from mdef file
INFO:    Initialization of dict_t, report:
INFO:    No of CI phone: 0
INFO:    Max word: 9999
INFO:    No of word: 5919
INFO: lm.c(606): LM read('/home/wedso/sphinx3/lm_giga_5k_nvp_3gram/lm_giga_5k_nvp_3gram.arpa.DMP', lw= 9.50, wip= 0.70, uw= 0.70)
INFO: lm.c(608): Reading LM file /home/wedso/sphinx3/lm_giga_5k_nvp_3gram/lm_giga_5k_nvp_3gram.arpa.DMP (LM name "default")
INFO: lm_3g_dmp.c(630): Reading LM in 16 bits format
INFO: lm_3g_dmp.c(686): Read     5000 unigrams [in memory]
INFO: lm_3g_dmp.c(759):  2821547 bigrams [on disk]
INFO: lm_3g_dmp.c(832):  8095821 bigrams [on disk]
INFO: lm_3g_dmp.c(902):    33667 bigram prob entries
INFO: lm_3g_dmp.c(936):    14145 trigram bowt entries
INFO: lm_3g_dmp.c(967):    35722 trigram prob entries
INFO: lm_3g_dmp.c(998):     5511 trigram segtable entries (512 segsize)
INFO: lm_3g_dmp.c(1053):     5000 word strings
INFO: lm.c(691): The LM routine is operating at 16 bits mode
ERROR: "wid.c", line 282: <unk> is not a word in dictionary and it is not a class tag.
INFO: wid.c(292): 1 LM words not in dictionary; ignored
INFO:    Initialization of fillpen_t, report:
INFO:    Language weight =9.500000
INFO:    Word Insertion Penalty =0.700000
INFO:    Silence probability =0.100000
INFO:    Filler probability =0.100000
INFO: dict2pid.c(599): Building PID tables for dictionary
INFO:    Initialization of dict2pid_t, report:
INFO:    Dict2pid is in composite triphone mode
INFO:    2851 composite states; 1080 composite sseq
INFO: kbcore.c(628): Inside kbcore: Verifying models consistency ......
INFO: kbcore.c(650): End of Initialization of Core Models:
ERROR: "cmd_ln.c", line 868: Unknown argument: -debug
sphinx3_livepretend: symbol lookup error: /usr/local/lib/libs3decoder.so.0: undefined symbol: err_set_debug_level



Sorry if i write something wrong, that is because i'm foreigner.

--- (Edited on 9/25/2011 9:25 pm [GMT-0500] by Agentes) ---

Re: ERROR: "cmd_ln.c", line 868: Unknown argument: -debug
User: kmaclean
Date: 9/26/2011 7:10 pm
Views: 119
Rating: 5

>ERROR: "cmd_ln.c", line 868: Unknown argument: -debug

best to try one of the Sphinx forums

--- (Edited on 9/26/2011 8:10 pm [GMT-0400] by kmaclean) ---

Re: ERROR: "cmd_ln.c", line 868: Unknown argument: -debug
User: Agentes
Date: 9/26/2011 8:52 pm
Views: 203
Rating: 6

I thought that i was in the right place.

Where exactly it is? Out of this domain?


I'm thinking about reinstall everthing. Including ubuntu.

--- (Edited on 9/26/2011 8:52 pm [GMT-0500] by Agentes) ---

Re: ERROR: "cmd_ln.c", line 868: Unknown argument: -debug
User: kmaclean
Date: 9/26/2011 11:11 pm
Views: 3128
Rating: 5


--- (Edited on 9/27/2011 12:11 am [GMT-0400] by kmaclean) ---
