Speech Recognition Engines

Does any one has HTK 3.4 Executable files?
User: Khalid
Date: 3/6/2007 6:06 am
Views: 5864
Rating: 18


i try to build the HTK 3.4 new tools for windows, but i can'tFrown

i asked my friend Mr. Google, but he didn't answer me..Surprised

i'm asking you now if any one have these files already built to use in windows please tell me or send me an email [email protected]



best regards

Khalid [email protected]


--- (Edited on 3/ 6/2007 6:06 am [GMT-0600] by Visitor) ---

Re: Does any one has HTK 3.4 Executable files?
User: kmaclean
Date: 3/6/2007 8:20 am
Views: 281
Rating: 18

Hi Khalid,

HTK licensing does not permit the distribution of source or binaries of the HTK toolkit. You need to download the source and compile it yourself.

Check this thread for options on how to compile from source on Windows,


--- (Edited on 3/ 6/2007 9:20 am [GMT-0500] by kmaclean) ---

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Re: Does any one has HTK 3.4 Executable files?
User: imene
Date: 5/4/2008 11:10 am
Views: 1818
Rating: 15

hi khali

je suppose que vous pouvez comprend le francais

car je connais pas bien l'englais

voila ..je veux vous dire que moi aussi j'ai un broblem avec la vesion htk3.4

mais j'ai telecharger la version 3.3 binary est plus simple 

vous pouvez l'avoire sur le lien


 et aussi ce simple tutorial


qu'il va vous aidez a compilez les commande htk

il n'a que 18 page. 


--- (Edited on 5/4/2008 11:10 am [GMT-0500] by imene) ---
