Speech Recognition Engines

can HTK setup on windows7?
User: yeweiping
Date: 6/13/2011 7:08 pm
Views: 6035
Rating: 2

can HTK setup on windows7?

--- (Edited on 6/13/2011 7:08 pm [GMT-0500] by Visitor) ---

Re: can HTK setup on windows7?
User: raf23
Date: 7/18/2011 3:12 pm
Views: 2218
Rating: 3

yes you can

1- you have to follow the readme that you had download present in folder HTK

2- Download the perl compiler

3- when you run the demo you have to create folder where the HMM def will be saved by hand.

good luck

--- (Edited on 7/18/2011 3:12 pm [GMT-0500] by raf23) ---
