Recording Equipment Discussions

Number of sentences per form
User: scadiforever
Date: 7/19/2010 12:47 pm
Views: 8773
Rating: 24

Hi everybody.

What if a person wants to upload more than 10 sentences?

Normally one would complete the 1st form, then upload, then the 2nd and so on, which for slow connections causes some sort of bothering waiting phase.

Clearly one could open multiple forms at a time, complete them all, then start the upload process on each one and leave the desk. But this sounds a little too complicate for whom wants to donate some free time...

Why don't add a text box where one can define his custom number of sentences to be displayed by the applet in that session?


Thanks for replying.


Re: Number of sentences per form
User: kmaclean
Date: 7/19/2010 2:12 pm
Views: 4184
Rating: 21

>Why don't add a text box where one can define his custom number of

>sentences to be displayed by the applet in that session?

on my todo list: #368: Speech Submission - increase number of prompts
