Recording Equipment Discussions

Noisy environments?
User: colbec
Date: 5/28/2012 5:01 am
Views: 18989
Rating: 23

I was reading an article about how wireless environments are becoming more crowded. Result is that you can get interference on some of the analog wireless technologies.This is not the usual extraneous noise problem, but wireless signals interfering with each other from various sources.

I have pretty much standardized on wireless headsets for voice interaction work since they give less trouble (wires fracturing, roaming, foam pads wear out, etc), but I have the advantage of living in a very quiet location where I am not likely to get interference of any kind, so far.

There are new digital technology solutions emerging that make cross interference less likely, but they are complex and come at a cost.

I'd be interested to know if anyone has run into this issue and what solutions were found?

Re: Noisy environments?
User: Garganzuul
Date: 7/2/2012 3:18 pm
Views: 14710
Rating: 27

Yes, there are many solutions. They are generally used to make wifi faster. They include  Phase-shift keying (PSK), Orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM),  Quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM), Pulse-position modulation (PPM),  Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiple Access (OFDMA)... Generally these techniques don't compete for bandwidth, tolerating each other as if the others are noise.
