General Discussion

VoxForge for Arduino Recognizer
User: Gerald Friedland
Date: 1/2/2017 4:41 pm
Views: 5713
Rating: 0

Hi all,

I am one of the co-developers of MOVI (, an offline speech recognition board that integrates with Arduino. The board internally uses PocketSphinx and we have managed to package up the Spanish and German models from VoxForge in a way that we can now also use them for the recognizer (on top of English).

FYI. I wrote two Instructables on it:

However, I have two major questions:

a) Why are the Spanish and the German models loading and recognizing so much more slowly than the English models (that come with Pocketsphinx). In other words: Is there any optimization that I can do?

b) Does VoxForge have any other languages available as PocketSphinx models with the corresponding Phonetisaurus dictionary? (That's ultimately what we need)

Thank you for input.


--- (Edited on 1/2/2017 4:41 pm [GMT-0600] by Visitor) ---

Re: VoxForge for Arduino Recognizer
User: nsh
Date: 1/2/2017 5:39 pm
Views: 2649
Rating: 1

> a) Why are the Spanish and the German models loading and recognizing so much more slowly than the English models (that come with Pocketsphinx). In other words: Is there any optimization that I can do?

You are using very old continuous models. You need PTM model, explained in tutorial
Recent PTM models are available here:
Spanish cmusphinx-es-5.2.tar.gz
German cmusphinx-ptm-voxforge-de-r20161117.tar.xz

--- (Edited on 1/3/2017 02:39 [GMT+0300] by nsh) ---
