General Discussion

transcribe from wav files?
User: karlberry
Date: 6/22/2010 1:37 pm
Views: 7364
Rating: 2

I downloaded, and, per the README, ran

./julian -input rawfile -C julian.jconf

It asks for a filename.  I put in a .wav file of an audio recording, but apparently not the kind of .wav it wants.  It comes back with:

adin_file: channel num != 1 (2)                                                
Error: failed to read q-themes-1a.wav as a wav file                            
*** glibc detected *** julian: corrupted double-linked list: 0x0a068350 ***    
(and the backtrace and memory map of shared libraries).

Any way to debug?  It crashes on all the .wav's I tried. When I use -input rawfile -filelist myfile.wav (same input file), it doesn't crash, but it  spews out "Error in reading speech data" many, many, many times and nothing of use that I could find.

But reading the other posts on the forum, I wonder if it is really up for transcribing speech, anyway.  Does that remain a chimera?  The other packages I found (CMU Sphinx, ISIP) did not even seem to be this far along; as far as I could tell, they were toolkits with no realistic chance of transcribing an audio file.

Any clues to either working with julian/julius or other packages to try would be greatly appreciated.


[email protected]

--- (Edited on 6/22/2010 1:37 pm [GMT-0500] by karlberry) ---

Re: transcribe from wav files?
User: nsh
Date: 6/22/2010 7:13 pm
Views: 4450
Rating: 1

> 1adin_file: channel num != 1(2)

It tells you are trying to decode stereo file while mono is required. You need to convert file to mono using sox for example

> Any way to debug?

Debug is usually done with debugger. You can find debugger manual on

> then I use -input rawfile -filelist myfile.wav (same input file), it doesn't crash, but it  spews out "Error in reading speech data

File list argument is supposed to be a text file with the list of files one per row, not the wav file itself.

> But reading the other posts on the forum, I wonder if it is really up for transcribing speech, anyway.  Does that remain a chimera?

It depends on the amount of effort you want to put into it.

> The other packages I found (CMU Sphinx, ISIP) did not even seem to be this far along; as far as I could tell, they were toolkits with no realistic chance of transcribing an audio file

You probably need to put more time on investigation of the state of the things.


--- (Edited on 6/23/2010 04:13 [GMT+0400] by nsh) ---
