General Discussion

text to speech
User: tebor
Date: 7/6/2007 1:47 am
Views: 5041
Rating: 25
can you tell me please how to make txt files into mp3 files of greek language?

a list of tools and voices that can do this


--- (Edited on 7/6/2007 1:47 am [GMT-0500] by Visitor) ---

Re: text to speech
User: kmaclean
Date: 7/6/2007 7:51 am
Views: 2359
Rating: 13

Hi tebor,

You need two type of tools:

1. a Text to Speech Engine that supports Greek, such as:

You will need to direct their output to a file - usually in wav format.

See the VoxForgeDevWiki - TextToSpeech page for details and a listing of other TTS engines.

2. Tool to convert output from TTS engine to MP3 

the LAME tool can convert wav files to mp3.

See the VoxForgeDevWiki - AudioProcessingTools page for more information. 

Hope that helps,


--- (Edited on 7/6/2007 8:51 am [GMT-0400] by kmaclean) ---
