General Discussion

Speech controlled Program
User: natur3
Date: 3/2/2011 2:55 am
Views: 4573
Rating: 2


I have compiled julius using Cygwin and am now stuck.

How do I use the output to link the speech input to a C Program or .exe file such that i can control the program just by using voice.




--- (Edited on 3/2/2011 2:55 am [GMT-0600] by natur3) ---

Re: Speech controlled Program
User: kmaclean
Date: 3/2/2011 7:33 am
Views: 2062
Rating: 2

>How do I use the output to link the speech input to a C Program

you should look at how other dialog managers implement this functionality

--- (Edited on 3/2/2011 8:33 am [GMT-0500] by kmaclean) ---
