General Discussion

I can not run julius-3.5.2-quickstart-linux
User: eyal
Date: 8/6/2011 2:18 am
Views: 5136
Rating: 3

Hi there,


I created Sample.jconf with follw 3 lines:

-dfa ./grammar/sample.dfa
-v   ./grammar/sample.dict
-h   ./acoustic_model_files_build726/hmmdef

I try to run julian And I've get (I quote the terminal):

/opt/julius-3.5.2-quickstart-linux$ ./julian -input stdin -C ./Sample.jconf


include config: ./Sample.jconf
###### check configurations
###### initialize input device
###### build up system
Reading in HMM definition...(ascii)...limit check passed
   defined HMMs:  4382
  logical names:  4382
    base phones:    44 used in logical
Making pseudo bi/mono-phone for IW-triphone...988 added as logical...done
reading [././grammar/sample.dfa] and [././grammar/sample.dict]...
Reading in dictionary...
line 5: triphone "d-ay+ax" not found
> 3    [DIAL]    d ay ax l
line 9: triphone "aa-n+s" not found
line 9: triphone "s-t+ax" not found
> 4    [JOHNSTON]    jh aa n s t ax n
line 11: triphone "*-jh+ao" or biphone "jh+ao" not found
line 11: triphone "ao-r+d" not found
line 11: triphone "r-d+ax" not found
> 4    [JORDAN]    jh ao r d ax n
line 12: triphone "*-jh+ow" or biphone "jh+ow" not found
> 4    [JOE]    jh ow
////// Missing phones:
*-jh+ao or biphone jh+ao
*-jh+ow or biphone jh+ow
error in reading ././grammar/sample.dict: 4 words failed out of 23 words
ERROR: failed to read dictionary, terminated

How could I run julean without the error?

Thanks any way,


--- (Edited on 2011-08-06 10:18:09 [GMT+0300] by eyal) ---

Re: I can not run julius-3.5.2-quickstart-linux - *** Solved ***
User: eyal
Date: 8/13/2011 7:47 pm
Views: 2153
Rating: 2

Mr. " Manhyung " Solved!



./julian -input mic -C julian.jconf
include config: julian.jconf
###### check configurations
###### initialize input device
adin_mic_standby: device=/dev/dsp
adin_mic_standby: open device: No such file or directory
Error: failed to ready input device


The solution:

1) I appended to the end of .bashrc

    export padsp=/usr/bin/padsp

padsp: /usr/bin/padsp - redirect OSS audio devices to PulseAudio

2) just type "$padsp ./julian -input mic -C julian.jconf"

--- (Edited on 2011-08-14 03:47:10 [GMT+0300] by eyal) ---
