General Discussion

Hvite + Hresults
User: Visitor
Date: 12/6/2011 7:28 am
Views: 5489
Rating: 10

below was the file generated by hvite(named results):

0 9600000 RESTOFALL -5279.722168
0 8400000 RESTOFALL -4651.540039
0 12000000 ENROLLEE -7006.426270
0 8400000 ENROLLEE -5060.461426
0 8700000 ENROLLEE -5292.716309
0 9000000 ENROLLEE -5401.013672
0 8400000 ENROLLEE -5060.461426
0 8400000 ENROLLEE -4954.644043
0 7800000 ENROLLEE -4661.654297
0 9900000 ENROLLEE -5427.184570
0 8100000 ENROLLEE -5062.441895
0 9000000 ENROLLEE -5908.529785
0 8400000 ENROLLEE -5504.562500
0 8400000 RESTOFALL -4867.702637
0 9000000 RESTOFALL -5436.864746
0 10200000 RESTOFALL -5442.229004
0 9900000 RESTOFALL -5464.603027
0 10800000 RESTOFALL -5915.873047
0 9900000 RESTOFALL -5407.054199
0 9600000 RESTOFALL -5416.662109
0 9300000 RESTOFALL -5146.226563


##Then i try to execute

hresults hmmlist results

  ERROR [+6510]  LOpen: Unable to open label file m
 FATAL ERROR - Terminating program hresults

It keep try to open the file with ".lab" extension but originally my input data was in ".bin" extension .Anyone know what is going on?

--- (Edited on 12/6/2011 7:28 am [GMT-0600] by Visitor) ---

Re: Hvite + Hresults
User: TonyR
Date: 12/6/2011 11:27 am
Views: 170
Rating: 10

HResults doesn't want a hmmList, it wants a word list.   The manual is quite confusing here.  So create a file (lets say it is called wordList.txt) and put in it:



and any other words you want to recognise and then run:

HResults wordList.txt results




Dr Tony Robinson
CEO Cantab Research Ltd

--- (Edited on 6-December-2011 5:27 pm [GMT+0000] by TonyR) ---

Re: Hvite + Hresults
User: obana1990
Date: 12/11/2011 11:29 pm
Views: 2174
Rating: 11

Sorry i have been busy , but thanks for your solution ! :D it works now


--- (Edited on 12/11/2011 11:29 pm [GMT-0600] by obana1990) ---
