General Discussion

How to use HTK to speech recogntion ?
User: madhawa30
Date: 3/28/2014 11:54 am
Views: 4840
Rating: 4

I'm a novice to this field. I'm trying to use HTK for recognize sinhala sounds. actually I'm trying to convert sounds into sinhala text for my final year project.

So can you give some links to follow to get the idea

how to make Pronounciation dictionary?

how to make acoustic model ?
how to make language model ?

your contribution will be highly appreciated.


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Re: How to use HTK to speech recogntion ?
User: Meysam
Date: 7/5/2014 12:17 am
Views: 1950
Rating: 6


you can make a dictionary for convert sinhala language to english text.(we call in Persian Finglish(Farsi+English))
phone of word is same so you can work with HTK for sinhala language like english language!

--- (Edited on 7/5/2014 12:17 am [GMT-0500] by Meysam) ---
