General Discussion

How to build the corpus from arpa file (Reverse Engineering)
User: heye10
Date: 8/12/2014 7:14 am
Views: 4403
Rating: 11

I had a arpa file from that I want to rebuild the corpus file which is used to build Language model (LM) Is there is any tools to do this reverse engineering ?

--- (Edited on 8/12/2014 7:14 am [GMT-0500] by ) ---

Re: How to build the corpus from arpa file (Reverse Engineering)
User: colbec
Date: 8/12/2014 3:02 pm
Views: 1901
Rating: 12

I don't see how this would be possible. You could rebuild a corpus which when analyzed to produce an LM would be the same LM as you started with, but there would be no guarantee that it was the same corpus as the original.

I believe it is the same situation as if I give you the number 10 and say that it came from the addition of two integers, can you tell me which two integers are in the original vector? You could without difficulty give me a suitable vector, but it probably will not be the one I am thinking of.

Perhaps I have misunderstood and you are thinking of some other situation.

--- (Edited on 8/12/2014 3:02 pm [GMT-0500] by colbec) ---
