General Discussion

Forced Alignment and Features
User: franc0
Date: 7/9/2012 10:39 pm
Views: 4719
Rating: 9

Once a wav file has been force aligned using HVite,how can one extract the features of only the phonetic segments and not the entire .wav file? Is this doable in HTK?


--- (Edited on 7/9/2012 10:39 pm [GMT-0500] by franc0) ---

Re: Forced Alignment and Features
User: kmaclean
Date: 7/11/2012 2:44 pm
Views: 1994
Rating: 12

>,how can one extract the features of only the phonetic segments

what are you trying to accomplish?

--- (Edited on 7/11/2012 3:44 pm [GMT-0400] by kmaclean) ---
