General Discussion

Error HHEd using windows 10
User: Handy213
Date: 6/28/2016 9:24 pm
Views: 2567
Rating: 0

This is my command line:

"F:\htk-3.3-windows-binary\htk\HHEd.exe" -B -H "E:\HMM_Baru\MFCC\hmm10\macros2" -H "E:\HMM_Baru\MFCC\hmm10\models" -M "E:\HMM_Baru\MFCC\GMM1\hmm0" "E:\HMM_Baru\tree6.hed" "E:\HMM_Baru\Label_Semua.mlf"

And this is my error:

ERROR [+7036]  CreateHMM: multiple use of logical HMM name .

  ERROR [+7060]  InitHMMSet: Error in CreateHMM

  ERROR [+2628]  Initialise: MakeHMMSet failed

 FATAL ERROR - Terminating program F:\htk-3.3-windows-binary\htk\HHEd.exe


Help me to solve this errors...

--- (Edited on 6/28/2016 9:24 pm [GMT-0500] by Handy213) ---
