General Discussion

AVIOS Student programming speech/multimodal application programming contest
User: kmaclean
Date: 9/12/2007 5:10 pm
Views: 3306
Rating: 28

The Applied Voice Input/Output Society (AVIOS) has announced their second student application contest. Applications must involve speech input and/or output, but may be pure speech or multimodal. Cash and/or equipment prizes valued at over $1000 will be awarded to teams of student programmers who design and create applications judged by industry experts to be the most robust, useful, creative, innovative, and user friendly. The contest encourages students to develop applications using speech technologies such as automatic speech recognition and text to speech synthesis and to combine them with other modalities. This year students may use any of a variety of platforms, including Microsoft SAPI 5.3 in Windows Vista, CMU's RavenClaw/Olympus, Opera's X+V, Speech Application Language Tags (SALT), Voxeo Prophecy, as well as any of several on-line VoiceXML development environments (BeVocal Cafe, Loquendo Cafe, TellmeStudio, VoiceGenie Developer Workshop, and Voxpilot Voxbuilder).

AVIOS president K.W. (Bill) Scholz explains: "Students will build creative and innovative applications that will lead the speech industry forward into new areas. The contest also provides a forum for students to show what they can do with the power of speech applications." Results from last year’s contest and more information about this year’s contest are at


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