Dialog Managers

simon 0.3 with support for Voxforge models
User: bedahr
Date: 3/10/2010 3:26 am
Views: 9202
Rating: 18



The first alpha of simon 0.3 has been released yesterday.

It's not as unstable as the name might suggest (actually I called it an alpha to show that it might not be feature complete) and already includes the support for static and adapted models. That means that it is quite easy to setup a system to use the voxforge models.

As soon as we gather some scenarios for the common use cases this time will tumble down even further to around a minute...


You can find source and binary packages here:





* simond now sends 10 found sentences from Julius to simon; Also, confidence
scores have been added

* simon can now ignore recognition results beneath a configurable confidence

* simon can now display a "did-you-mean...?"-popup if there are more than one
possible recognition results

* Improving the recognition

* Improving the creation of the model with multiple GMMs, different model
type and more

* Improving the handling of very, very large models

* Implementing model compilation adapter that avoids a lot of basic errors
during the compilation process

* You can now use static models or adapted base models


* Implementing package based configuration ("Scenarios")

* Implementing a much nicer KDE style welcome page


* Better phoneme segmentation during the import process

* simon can now import lexica to both the active- and the shadowlexicon
(selectable during the import process)

* The BOMP can now be imported directly from the internet

* Huge performance improvements in the display of the list

* simon can now automatically create sentences during the special training

* You now don't need to train a word when adding it any more (optional)

* The complete vocabulary can now be cleared with the press of a button

* Words can now be edited

* When words are removed, the user can now move the word to an unused
terminal, or completely remove the word but keep the samples (for a total of 4
deletion modes)


* Displaying examples for each sentence

* The text from which to deduce your grammar from can now be entered directly
(instead of just loaded from files)


* simon can now import prompts files

* A new "power training" mode speeds up the training process through
automatically starting and stopping the recordings

* Implementing "Clear training data"

* Trainingstexts can now be entered instead of just imported from files


* Multiple command plugin instances can now be loaded at once

* Implementing keyboard

* Implementing calculator

* Implementing filter plugin

* All triggers can now be configured (including e.g. Buttons in other plugins)

* Adding multiple click modes (right click, middle, click, etc.) to the
desktop grid

* Making plugin fonts configurable

* Displaying the complete needed sentence to activate a command in the run


* simon can now be started through the ksimond context menu


* Adding default user


* Adding a new application to the simon suite: sam; The simon acoustic
modeller is targeted towards power users who want to manually tweak
their model


* Adding new application to the simon suite: ssc; The simon sample collector
is a client to the sscd (see below). It is a streamlined application
to make collecting a large number of samples as easy as possible. ssc and
sscd are more likely to be used for research purposes.


* Adding new application to the simon suite: sscd; The simon sample collector
daemon is the server component to ssc (sse above). ssc and sscd are more
likely to be used for research purposes.


--- (Edited on 3/10/2010 3:26 am [GMT-0600] by bedahr) ---

Re: simon 0.3 with support for Voxforge models
User: kmaclean
Date: 4/19/2010 1:07 pm
Views: 197
Rating: 14

Wow! congratulations Peter, well done.


--- (Edited on 4/19/2010 2:07 pm [GMT-0400] by kmaclean) ---

Re: simon 0.3 with support for Voxforge models
User: bedahr
Date: 4/19/2010 1:48 pm
Views: 216
Rating: 17


Did you get a chance to try it?




--- (Edited on 4/19/2010 1:48 pm [GMT-0500] by bedahr) ---

Re: simon 0.3 with support for Voxforge models
User: kmaclean
Date: 4/21/2010 10:17 am
Views: 253
Rating: 17

Hi Peter,

Not yet... I am on Fedora 10, and some packages seem to be misisng and only available on Fedora 12... which I am downloading now.


--- (Edited on 4/21/2010 11:17 am [GMT-0400] by kmaclean) ---

Re: simon 0.3 with support for Voxforge models
User: kmaclean
Date: 6/9/2010 10:19 pm
Views: 371
Rating: 18

Just a follow-up: I did get Simon v0.3-alpha-1 to work quite well.   Can't wait for the production version!

Here are my threads on the Simon site:

Peter was very responsive with all of my questions, and I managed to create a new scenario for controlling the Rhythmbox music player on my computer.


--- (Edited on 6/9/2010 11:19 pm [GMT-0400] by kmaclean) ---

Re: simon 0.3 with support for Voxforge models
User: bedahr
Date: 9/25/2010 4:17 am
Views: 3828
Rating: 18

Almost forgot to announce this here: simon 0.3.0 is out!


To see it in action (with the English VoxForge even), check out the youtube demonstration:





--- (Edited on 9/25/2010 4:17 am [GMT-0500] by bedahr) ---
