Dialog Managers

Adding new words in Grammar during execution
User: HalfAce
Date: 4/14/2015 6:27 am
Views: 3813
Rating: 2
Hi guys,

I'm using Julius multigram recognition and I'm trying to add new words to a grammar taking those words from the other one in real time (I don't want to stop recognition, modify file .voca and restart recognition).

Is there a simple way to add a recognized word to WORD_INFO of a grammar?

multigram_add_words_to_grammar add all the words of a dict to another dict (but i need only one word)! Maybe I need to use voca_append or something like this but I didn't find any example about this.

For better understanding my project: the recognition starts with 2grammars but only the first one is enabled, I say "Apple" for example but there is no word like this in the first grammar so i reject the recognition result beacause of the confidence and I switch the first grammar with the second one (disabling the first and enabling the second that contains "apple"). Then i say "Apple" again but this time Julius recognize this word and i want to add only THIS recognized word in WORD_INFO (dictionary object) of the first grammar by calling some Julius api, is it possible to do this?

Sorry for my bad english and tell me if you need more info about my project!


--- (Edited on 4/14/2015 6:27 am [GMT-0500] by HalfAce) ---
