Audio and Prompts Discussions

You can now submit speech to VoxForge using your telephone!
User: kmaclean
Date: 4/25/2007 2:00 pm
Views: 3939
Rating: 29

Just go to this link: Submit Speech Using Your Telephone, and call the number shown.  The Interactive Voice Response System will guide you through the process.  Speech submitted using this process will go to creating Acoustic Models for Telephony Applications.

Please give it a try, and get back to us with any feedback. 

Note: you may need to clear your browser cache to view the updated web pages. 

Many thanks to trevarthan for coming up with this concept, creating the scripts and Asterisk dial plans, and setting up the server.  Also, many thanks to the folks at Wingnet Internet Services who donated the telephone number and provided the Asterisk server that houses the VoxForge IVR application.

If you are interested in seeing the source for the VoxForgeIVR application, go to the VoxForgeIVR trac site


--- (Edited on 4/25/2007 3:00 pm [GMT-0400] by kmaclean) ---
