Audio and Prompts Discussions

Text in the applets
User: RainCT
Date: 12/9/2009 12:38 pm
Views: 5731
Rating: 13


The current text in the German applet is rather painful (so far I've only seen boring juridic stuff). Is there any chance to get some other text there?

By the way, I've read in another thread that you were planning on letting people write their own sentences. How is that going?

--- (Edited on 12/9/2009 12:38 pm [GMT-0600] by RainCT) ---

Re: Text in the applets
User: kmaclean
Date: 12/10/2009 8:58 pm
Views: 2453
Rating: 12

Hi RainCT,

>The current text in the German applet is rather painful (so far I've only

>seen boring juridic stuff). Is there any chance to get some other text


Post some prompts here (15-25 words per line, try to break each line at a natural pause...) and I will incorporate them into the svn repository so that the next time I build the app (and go through the test cycle) it will get updated.  I've been updating the app when we get a new language.

>By the way, I've read in another thread that you were planning on

>letting people write their own sentences

very slow...  :)

I want to write the app in Drupal. The WebGUI to Drupal migration scripts are almost completed (for the past 6-8 months - not the most exciting work...).  I just bought some new hardware (mobos, quad cpus, and ram) and once the servers are upgraded, I will make a final push to get the migration completed. 

Then I can look at the use case for this in more detail... However, I was thinking of making it easier to add or change prompts from an admin perspective (letting non-English language admins make these changes) rather than letting users create their own prompts (via the applet).

Most people only make a few submissions, and I wanted to make the barrier to submission as low as possible, and having pre-made prompts seemed to be the way to go... what is your thinking on this?


--- (Edited on 12/10/2009 9:58 pm [GMT-0500] by kmaclean) ---
