Acoustic Model Discussions

Triphone decision tree
User: danijel
Date: 1/17/2012 9:39 am
Views: 5401
Rating: 7

Can I find anywhere on the site the triphone decision tree created during the triphone state tying procedure (using tree.hed). I needed because of the following paragraph of the HTK Book:

One of the advantages of using decision tree clustering is that it allows previously unseen tri-phones to be synthesised. To do this, the trees must be saved and this is done by the ST command. Later if new previously unseen triphones are required, for example in the pronunciation of a new vocabulary item, the existing model set can be reloaded into HHEd, the trees reloaded using the LT command and then a new extended list of triphones created using the AU command.

--- (Edited on 1/17/2012 9:39 am [GMT-0600] by danijel) ---

Re: Triphone decision tree
User: nsh
Date: 1/17/2012 12:33 pm
Views: 2192
Rating: 8

The file is inside this archive for example

The file name is



--- (Edited on 1/17/2012 21:33 [GMT+0300] by nsh) ---
