Acoustic Model Discussions

SphinxTrain Problems
User: fdlm
Date: 2/26/2010 5:41 am
Views: 6429
Rating: 3

Hi everybody,

I'm trying to create an simple and small acoustic model for sphinx3 using SphinxTrain.

The tutorial shipped with SphinxTrain works fine and i get no errors. But when I create my own dictionary, phone and transcription files the verify script tells me that ALL the phones from the phone file cannot be found in the transcription file, for example this is the message for the phone P:

WARNING: This phone (P) occurs in the phonelist (xyz/testam/etc/, but not in any word in the transcription (/xyz/testam/etc/testam_train.transcription)

I already read the other thread dealing with this issue, but the solution (converting CR/LF into unix style LF) does not work - i create all files using linux. I also tried creating the transcription and dictionary using the online lmtool provided by CMU, but it's all the same.

Maybe it's important to say that I have only one word in each utterance?

Well, maybe someone can help me... I have no idea why I get these errors. I uploaded the phone, dictionary and transcription files:

Thank you in advance!

--- (Edited on 2/26/2010 5:41 am [GMT-0600] by Visitor) ---

Re: SphinxTrain Problems
User: nsh
Date: 2/26/2010 11:48 am
Views: 113
Rating: 2

> I'm trying to create an simple and small acoustic model for sphinx3 using SphinxTrain.

Not sure how this is related to Voxforge and why are you asking it here. You'll get faster answer on CMUSphinx forums.

> me that ALL the phones from the phone file cannot be found in the transcription file, for example this is the message for the phone P:

Your transcription file has incorrect format. It doesn't have fileid for each transcription in braces as a last word in the line. See an4 transcription format for example.


--- (Edited on 2/26/2010 20:48 [GMT+0300] by nsh) ---

Re: SphinxTrain Problems
User: fdlm
Date: 2/27/2010 8:46 am
Views: 3558
Rating: 3


sorry if my posting was too off topic here. I posted the question in this forum, because I found this other thread with a similar problem in here. Next time, I'll stick to the CMU forums!

Nevertheless, thank you very much for the hint, now it's working fine!


--- (Edited on 2/27/2010 8:46 am [GMT-0600] by Visitor) ---
