Acoustic Model Discussions

Looking for Sphinx4 8kHz Model for German, Spanish and French
User: Pacer
Date: 6/29/2016 6:29 am
Views: 5483
Rating: 0


we are looking for an 8 kHz model for telephone speech recognition for german, french and spanish language. We are relativlely new to ASR and we currently won't see us able to train an own model. Can someone point us to a place to download these models?

If not, is someone willing to do the Job for us? We would offer to pay something for this.


Many thanks,

Ronny Reiprich
adviqo AG

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Re: Looking for Sphinx4 8kHz Model for German, Spanish and French
User: fabriciofah9
Date: 6/22/2018 10:39 pm
Views: 2264
Rating: 0



I have the same situation. Anyone here could send to me an acoustic model for spanish 8khz?



--- (Edited on 6/22/2018 10:39 pm [GMT-0500] by fabriciofah9) ---
