Acoustic Model Discussions

Language model for use with Voxforge Spanish Acoustic model?
User: e.fields
Date: 10/3/2012 9:57 am
Views: 4732
Rating: 8

I'd like to use the Voxforge Spanish acoustic model for Sphinx4 recognition, but the language model provided is only a training model, and is a bit lacking. Does anyone know where I can find a decent language model that can be used with the Voxforge Spanish acoustic model? 

The acoustic model is this one, located at

--- (Edited on 10/3/2012 9:57 am [GMT-0500] by e.fields) ---

Re: Language model for use with Voxforge Spanish Acoustic model?
User: nsh
Date: 10/3/2012 6:19 pm
Views: 2196
Rating: 6

> Does anyone know where I can find a decent language model that can be used with the Voxforge Spanish acoustic model?

You can easily build it yourself from the texts collected from the web.

--- (Edited on 10/4/2012 03:19 [GMT+0400] by nsh) ---
