Acoustic Model Discussions

integrate a phoneme duration in my HMM definition
User: imene
Date: 4/21/2009 11:57 am
Views: 6378
Rating: 4


I would like to integrate a phoneme duration in my HMM definition

But I didn’t found many details in the htk book, even I found this note in page 93 of htk3.3 book :

In addition to the above, any model or state can have an associated vector of duration parameters {d}(No current HTK tool can estimate or use these.)”


Does it mean that parameter duration is not available in HTK3.3 or what???? 


Can you help me, and thank in advance


--- (Edited on 4/21/2009 11:57 am [GMT-0500] by imene) ---

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Re: integrate a phoneme duration in my HMM definition
User: kmaclean
Date: 4/22/2009 11:25 am
Views: 87
Rating: 3

>I would like to integrate a phoneme duration in my HMM definition

Here is an old email post I found in the HTK archives:

[HTK-Users] can htk incorporate duration information into hmm?

Wed Mar 13 11:33:00 GMT 2002

> I want to know if htk can incorporate duration information into hmm.Also,I

> find in HTK book Chap7 that HTK offer the hmm duration parameters

> for HMM Definition Language,but it seems that no current htk version

> can support such uses,right?

that's correct.


Not much help... You might try posting on the email HTK list...


--- (Edited on 4/22/2009 12:25 pm [GMT-0400] by kmaclean) ---

Re: integrate a phoneme duration in my HMM definition
User: imene
Date: 4/23/2009 3:06 pm
Views: 859
Rating: 6


 i try to post on the email HTK list, even they late to reply

if i found any thing, i paste it here.


--- (Edited on 4/23/2009 3:06 pm [GMT-0500] by Visitor) ---

Re: integrate a phoneme duration in my HMM definition
User: imene
Date: 2/22/2013 5:22 am
Views: 2335
Rating: 5


After all those years, I find this tool on the net. it seems solve the problem:


--- (Edited on 2/22/2013 5:22 am [GMT-0600] by imene) ---
