Acoustic Model Discussions

How different MFCC and MFCC_D_A_E
User: Noah
Date: 12/22/2010 12:50 am
Views: 4896
Rating: 2

Dear all.

I've some problem about speech feature extraction.

Could you tell me how different about speech feature with none of attaching qualififer like MFCC and with attaching qualififer like MFCC_D_A_E.


Pleas give me clearly answer because I so confuse about it.


--- (Edited on 12/22/2010 12:50 am [GMT-0600] by Noah) ---

Re: How different MFCC and MFCC_D_A_E
User: kmaclean
Date: 3/21/2011 12:54 am
Views: 2097
Rating: 1

>different about speech feature with none of attaching

>qualififer like MFCC and with attaching qualififer like


see this post: MFCC_D_N_Z_0 format




--- (Edited on 3/21/2011 1:54 am [GMT-0400] by kmaclean) ---
