Acoustic Model Discussions

HERest CMLLR adatpation: Segmentation fault
User: xffmqjx
Date: 9/12/2013 10:00 am
Views: 6764
Rating: 5

Hello all,

recently I tried some adatpation using HERest CMLLR method, and came across one error for global transform , which is acturally not an error message, just:

'Segmentation fault'

and there is NO output afterwards, e.g. mfc.cmllr1

I googled a bit, and from

it notes that if "No errors, but no new files in xforms or anywhere else.", I should add the mask '-h' command to HERest.

however, after I add  -h '*/%%%*.htk  there, still, no output and just 'Segmentation fault' after all adapted files are recognized. 

Now I have no idea how to try and fix it :(

really appreciate any suggestions!!!

below is the HERest command:

HERest \
    -T 1 \
    -A \
    -D \
    -I $AdaptMLF \
    -H hmm/MMF \
    -u a \
    -J AdaptDir/classes \
    -K AdaptDir cmllr1 \
    -S $FeatList \
    -C config.herest \
    -C config.cmllr_global \
    -h '*/%%%*.htk'


HADAPT:BASECLASS         = global



--- (Edited on 9/12/2013 10:00 am [GMT-0500] by xffmqjx) ---

Re: HERest CMLLR adatpation: Segmentation fault
User: kmaclean
Date: 9/13/2013 9:01 am
Views: 182
Rating: 7

>'Segmentation fault'

the HTK mail list is probably the best place to get an answer on this - search the archives first

--- (Edited on 9/13/2013 10:01 am [GMT-0400] by kmaclean) ---

Re: HERest CMLLR adatpation: Segmentation fault
User: xffmqjx
Date: 9/15/2013 2:39 pm
Views: 673
Rating: 7

thx, kmaclean...

also checked in HTK mail list, however, still not get the exact answer and solution....

I am wondering whether my feature dimension is too high (approx. 500)  to generate the global transform matrix ?~


--- (Edited on 9/15/2013 2:39 pm [GMT-0500] by xffmqjx) ---

Re: HERest CMLLR adatpation: Segmentation fault
User: Eric
Date: 6/22/2015 11:47 am
Views: 2110
Rating: 4

(This is for version 3.4.1)


I'm not sure if it's the same issue that you're facing, but I was getting segmentation faults when creating the global transform also. I realized that having an mfc that was too large would cause it to fault. Make sure you have -T 1 and see what utterance it stops at. Then, remove that file from your $FeatList (as well as any larger than it) and rerun, removing problem files as necessary.


Most of my errors from this came from mfcs corresponding to audio files longer than around 5 minutes or so. But this may change depending on how your mfccs are parameterized.

--- (Edited on 6/22/2015 11:48 am [GMT-0500] by Visitor) ---
