Acoustic Model Discussions

ASR-Builder (beta) - new GUI front-end for HTK
User: kmaclean
Date: 7/11/2008 11:50 pm
Views: 4784
Rating: 11

ASR-Builder is a project to create a GUI front-end for HTK to ease the creation of acoustic models and language models. From their website:

The purpose of ASR-Builder is to provide an easy-to-use interface to the HTK toolkit, that allows users to build ASR systems. ASR-Builder provides a framework that performs house-keeping tasks when using HTK, as well as basic training, testing and recognition scripts. Although ASR-Builder is meant to be simple to use, it is flexible and allows the full power of HTK to be used.

It seems similar to Ivan Uemlianin's Trefnydd: A Speech Recognition Toolkit.  From the Trefnydd site:

Trefnydd is a toolkit for building speech recognition engines. Tools support the compilation of corpora and pronunciation dictionaries, creation of acoustic and language models, and generation of speech recognition engines compatible with the Media Resource Control Protocol (MRCP).


--- (Edited on 7/12/2008 12:50 am [GMT-0400] by kmaclean) ---
