Acoustic Model Discussions

Acoutic Model Using Voxforge Corpus
User: nikovinay
Date: 3/18/2011 4:42 am
Views: 5779
Rating: 4

Hello everyone,

I wanted to know if anyone has made acoustic model trained using the voxforge corpus. Are these models available for download?



--- (Edited on 3/18/2011 4:42 am [GMT-0500] by nikovinay) ---

Re: Acoutic Model Using Voxforge Corpus
User: kmaclean
Date: 3/18/2011 5:32 pm
Views: 2309
Rating: 3

>I wanted to know if anyone has made acoustic model trained

>using the voxforge corpus. 

Depends which language and for speech recognition engine:


--- (Edited on 3/18/2011 6:32 pm [GMT-0400] by kmaclean) ---
