Acoustic Model Discussions

Accessing howto
User: colbec
Date: 3/4/2008 6:18 am
Views: 5872
Rating: 36

In a number of posts I see references and links to a howto which puts much of the tutorial into scripts. However, the link 

just leads back to a welcome page that has no reference to a howto. Am I missing something obvious? 

--- (Edited on 3/4/2008 6:18 am [GMT-0600] by colbec) ---

Re: Accessing howto
User: kmaclean
Date: 3/4/2008 12:14 pm
Views: 2616
Rating: 31

Hi colbec,

No, it is just that I restructured the VoxForge site a while ago and some of the links have gone stale (my CMS usually does redirects, but sometimes it does not work).

This are the updates links: 


--- (Edited on 3/4/2008 1:14 pm [GMT-0500] by kmaclean) ---
