
what are these numbers???
User: mmm
Date: 7/28/2010 5:14 pm
Views: 2185
Rating: 2


can anyone explain to me what are these numbers refer to? in recout.mlf file




1700000 8900000 PHONE -4183.645996

8900000 14900000 YOUNG -3435.674316



7600000 11200000 CALL -2053.212646

11200000 16500000 YOUNG -2891.707764

Re: what are these numbers???
User: kmaclean
Date: 7/28/2010 7:56 pm
Views: 288
Rating: 2

>can anyone explain to me what are these numbers refer to? in recout.mlf file

these are described in the HTK manual, chapter 6.2.1 HTK Label Files:

Each line of a HTK label file contains the actual label optionally preceded by start and end times, and optionally followed by a match score.

     [start    [end] ] name [score] { auxname [auxscore] } [comment]

where start denotes the start time of the labelled segment in 100ns units, end denotes the end time in 100ns units, name is the name of the segment and score is a floating point confidence score. All fields except the name are optional.

Re: what are these numbers???
User: Visitor
Date: 7/29/2010 5:22 am
Views: 227
Rating: 1

thanx a lot
