
problem in HERest
User: adoh
Date: 11/10/2012 5:56 am
Views: 3195
Rating: 12


when I try to run HERest command I get the following error:

ERROR [+7321] CreateInsts : Unknown label pau

"pau" is a name for one of my lables.

do I need to change my train.scp files to be in triphone format instead of monophone format?

for now, my training files are as follow:


18750.000000 708750.000000 pau

708750.000000 853750.000000 NonLing

853750.000000 5216250.000000 pau

5216250.000000 6495000.000000 s

6495000.000000 7348750.000000 a

7348750.000000 7683750.000000 l

7683750.000000 8372500.000000 aa


do I need to change them to:

18750.000000 5216250.000000 pau-NonLing+pau

708750.000000 6495000.000000 NonLing-pau+s



Thank you for your help

