
User: Visitor
Date: 3/20/2009 10:03 am
Views: 7493
Rating: 12


I've got a problem when I try to run Julius-4.1.2 as Julian! I always get this warning massage:


### read waveform input
STAT: AD-in thread created
<<< please speak >>>Warning: strip: sample 0-21 has zero value, stripped


When I use the Julian Version from Julius-3.5.2 then I don't get this massage and it works wonderfull!

In my julius-4.1.2 config file I picked the following options:

-dfa sample.dfa  -v sample.dict  -h hmm15/hmmdefs  -hlist ./tiedlist  -iwcd1 max  -gprune safe  -b2 200  -sb 200.0 -spmodel "sp"  -iwsp  -iwsppenalty -70.0  -input mic

Does anybody know where this massage comes from and how to correct the mistake?

Regards, Nick

Re: untitled
User: Visitor
Date: 3/20/2009 10:18 am
Views: 113
Rating: 14

Ok, I'm sorry for spamming you guys!

I found my mistake! The options which I have picked where just:

-dfa sample.dfa  -v sample.dict  -h hmm15/hmmdefs  -hlist ./tiedlist


when I add the option "-smpFreq 48000" then I won't get the warning massage anymore!

Thanks anyway!

Re: untitled
User: Visitor
Date: 3/23/2009 4:22 am
Views: 89
Rating: 10

Hm... that is strange! I got the warning massage again, although I haven't changed anything!

So, does anybody know where these warnings come from? As I mentioned before, with Julius-3.5.2 I don't have any problems!

### read waveform input
STAT: AD-in thread created
<<< please speak >>>Warning: strip: sample 0-1955 is invalid, stripped
Warning: strip: sample 0-2047 is invalid, stripped
Warning: strip: sample 0-2047 is invalid, stripped
Warning: strip: sample 0-2047 is invalid, stripped
Warning: strip: sample 0-2047 is invalid, stripped
Warning: strip: sample 0-2047 is invalid, stripped
Warning: strip: sample 0-2047 is invalid, stripped
Warning: strip: sample 0-2047 is invalid, stripped
Warning: strip: sample 0-2047 is invalid, stripped
Warning: strip: sample 0-2047 is invalid, stripped

Re: untitled
User: Visitor
Date: 3/25/2009 8:27 am
Views: 1626
Rating: 11

Ok, I found something to this topic for all those who have the same problem:

"The warning "Warning: strip: sample xxx-xxx is invalid, stripped" means that Julius has found a certain length of zero sample sequence at the audio stream and skipped them, since feature extraction may be confused by such input. The stripped part is always a silent part and does not affect the recognition result, but you can also disable this function by specifying "-nostrip" option to Julius."

So, I tried the additional "-nostrip" option which really eleminates the warnings but after <<< please speak >>> julius doesn't recognise any speech input anymore! So a new problem occures in my case...

... haha, I just found something that can solve the problem! Smile It seems like if the warning massage has something to do with the number of chanel inputs - anyway, when I use the OSS interface (i.e. use "-input oss" instead of "-input mic") then everything works fantasic!


Re: untitled
User: kmaclean
Date: 3/29/2009 1:36 pm
Views: 99
Rating: 12

Hi Nick,

Thanks for the update,

