
Unable to run julian
User: seyaw
Date: 12/15/2010 12:59 pm
Views: 3823
Rating: 13

I have reached the last step. But when I run "julian -input mic -C julian.jconf" it doesn't run. It displays a message

No command '-input' found, did you mean:
 Command 'xinput' from package 'xinput' (main)
 Command 'input' from package 'yagiuda' (universe)
-input: command not found

I am running ubuntu 10.10

what is the problem.


Many Thank

Re: Unable to run julian
User: Visitor
Date: 5/8/2016 11:36 am
Views: 4
Rating: 0

Although I am using windows 10, I faced same kind of problem. 

I tried julius-4.3.1 instead of julian or only julius, because the text should be named exactly as your executable file named in the installation directory of julius.
