
Still there is aproblem
User: seyaw
Date: 12/15/2010 4:05 pm
Views: 4215
Rating: 10

I have followed the thread at But still the problem is not solved for my case. I don't even have the /dev/dsp directory.

I am lost please help me.


Many Thank

Re: Still there is aproblem
User: Manhyung
Date: 3/11/2011 8:35 am
Views: 244
Rating: 12

Have you fixed your problem?

I faced just same problem below:

manhyung@ubuntu:~/voxforge/manual$ julian -input mic -C julian.jconf
include config: julian.jconf
###### check configurations
###### initialize input device
adin_mic_standby: device=/dev/dsp
adin_mic_standby: open device: No such file or directory
Error: failed to ready input device


So I solved the problem with 'padsp'

just type "$padsp julian -input mic -C julian.jconf"

padsp: /usr/bin/padsp - redirect OSS audio devices to PulseAudio


Re: Still there is aproblem
User: Ashsih K Abraham.
Date: 9/20/2013 10:25 am
Views: 66
Rating: 5

I used the internal mic.

i edited a file.

use this code.

cd /etc/modprobe.d/sound

edit this file and add these two parameters.

 options snd-trident index=0

 options snd-usb-audio index=1


try working julius.hope it works

