
Error in Julius
User: Sharma
Date: 7/7/2016 4:25 am
Views: 4007
Rating: 0

C:\Users\Sharma\voxforge\tutorial>julius-4.3.1 -input mic -C Sample.jconf

STAT: include config: Sample.jconf

ERROR: m_chkparam: you should specify at least one LM to run Julius!

Please provide inputs on how to resolve the above issue.


Re: Error in Julius
User: colbec
Date: 7/7/2016 8:08 am
Views: 4
Rating: 1

Examine very carefully the contents of the sample jconf. There are lots of helpful comments in that file, including in the language model section. The error message is telling you that no model has been specified in the jconf. Maybe you just left the comment character # in place and it is treated as a comment.

Re: Error in Julius
User: sriharshap.nalkv
Date: 6/12/2017 9:39 am
Views: 3
Rating: 0

i am having same problem how did you solve this problem??


i have used same file given in tutorial pls someone help
