
HTK HVite command error
User: Shipra
Date: 10/27/2014 1:00 pm
Views: 3334
Rating: 2


 Please help me. while i execute HVite command, i get the following error.

HVite -A -D -T 1 -l '*' -o SWT -C config -H hmm7/macros -H hmm7/hmmdefs -i aligned.mlf -m -y lab -a -I words.mlf -S train1.scp dict1 wlist

HTK Configuration Parameters[10]
  Module/Tool     Parameter                  Value
#                 NUMCEPS                       12
#                 CEPLIFTER                     22
#                 NUMCHANS                      26
#                 PREEMCOEF               0.970000
#                 USEHAMMING                  TRUE
#                 WINDOWSIZE         250000.000000
#                 SAVEWITHCRC                 TRUE
#                 SAVECOMPRESSED              TRUE
#                 TARGETRATE         100000.000000
#                 TARGETKIND            MFCC_0_D_A

Read 128 physical / 128 logical HMMs
Label file will be used to align each file
Aligning File: C:\Users\kumar\Desktop\HTK\htk\ss\mfcc\sp1_w1.mfc
Created lattice with 3 nodes / 2 arcs from label file
