
Got empty file for HVite_log
User: Shanika
Date: 5/17/2011 11:54 pm
Views: 4963
Rating: 12

hi all,

HVite -l  '*' -o SWT -b SILENCE -C config/train.config -a -H am/hmm8/hmmdefs -i config/aligned.mlf -m -t 250.0 -y lab -I data_prep/words.mlf -S config/train.scp config/sin_asr1.dict config/monophn1.list > log/HVite_log


After excuting the above code, i got an empty HVite_log? What is the reason for this?

Re: Got empty file for HVite_log
User: kmaclean
Date: 5/18/2011 9:07 am
Views: 78
Rating: 13

what do you get when you run:

HVite -l  '*' -o SWT -b SILENCE -C config/train.config -a -H am/hmm8/hmmdefs -i config/aligned.mlf -m -t 250.0 -y lab -I data_prep/words.mlf -S config/train.scp config/sin_asr1.dict config/monophn1.list

without the redirect '> log/HVite_log'

Re: Got empty file for HVite_log
User: Edd
Date: 11/25/2011 8:48 am
Views: 88
Rating: 13

Am gettin the same problem, Empty Hvite_log. Help? because am stuck because of this problem

Re: Got empty file for HVite_log
User: kmaclean
Date: 11/25/2011 2:13 pm
Views: 89
Rating: 12

As I asked above, what do you get when you run:

HVite -l  '*' -o SWT -b SILENCE -C config/train.config -a -H am/hmm8/hmmdefs -i config/aligned.mlf -m -t 250.0 -y lab -I data_prep/words.mlf -S config/train.scp config/sin_asr1.dict config/monophn1.list

without the redirect '> log/HVite_log'

Note: the '>' is called the redirect operator:

Output Redirection

The most common use of Redirection is to redirect the output (that normally goes to the terminal) from a command to a file instead. This is known as Output Redirection. This is generally used when you get a lot of output when you execute your program. Often you see that screens scroll past very rapidly. You could get all the output in a file and then even transfer that file elsewhere or mail it to someone.

The way to redirect the output is by using the ' > ' operator in shell command you enter. This is shown below. The ' > ' symbol is known as the output redirection operator. Any command that outputs its results to the screen can have its output sent to a file.

Re: Got empty file for HVite_log
User: Edd
Date: 11/28/2011 7:42 am
Views: 96
Rating: 11

ok I get nothing on the command line, but no error. I think there is a problem with .mfc files. but they are converted corretly from .wav to .mfc

Re: Got empty file for HVite_log
User: mfarouk
Date: 1/31/2012 6:38 am
Views: 84
Rating: 12

hi all,

HVite -l  '*' -o SWT -b SILENCE -C config/train.config -a -H am/hmm8/hmmdefs -i config/aligned.mlf -m -t 250.0 -y lab -I data_prep/words.mlf -S config/train.scp config/sin_asr1.dict config/monophn1.list > log/HVite_log


After excuting the above code, i got an empty HVite_log? What is the reason for this?

Re: Got empty file for HVite_log
User: kmaclean
Date: 1/31/2012 3:58 pm
Views: 94
Rating: 11

>HVite ... > log/HVite_log

what do you get when you run your HVite command without the redirect to log/HVite_log?  i.e: without "> log/HVite_log"

Re: Got empty file for HVite_log
User: HoaVo
Date: 4/16/2012 1:07 pm
Views: 137
Rating: 12

The same a part of kmaclean explained :'> log/HVite_log' will write everything on window process into HVire_log. But you don't use parameter "-T 1" so don't anything happen on your screen, so HVire_log is empty.Smile


Re: Got empty file for HVite_log
User: Anonym
Date: 11/27/2013 9:40 pm
Views: 61
Rating: 8

Yup @HoaVois correct!!

You need to include -A -D -T 1 in your command, so it will write the log in HVite_log
